AO Electric Company has 20 years of experience in residential electrical services!

Service Upgrades & Repairs

Electricity is the glue that keeps many households running on a day-to-day basis. Think about it, electric is needed for the lighting, Wifi, kitchen appliances and so much more. It’s vital to make sure that the electrical system for your home is properly functioning at all times. It’s easy to ignore the fact that a few minor repairs need to be completed around the house and as time progresses those minor repairs turn into larger issues that can compromise the safety of your family. Making sure that the electrical work is always properly working can save your families lives. Appliances such as fire alarms run on a wiring system and if that system needs repairs or updating, it can risk fire alarms not working in the event of an emergency.

Our team of trained electricians can perform repairs or upgrades on any part of the house that is needed, easing the minds of you and your family.

LED Lighting Conversions

Households everywhere have been making the switch over to LED lighting for their homes. LED lights are a wiser choice when it comes to the functionality of their place of residence. It’s an easy choice for many because it’s energy-efficient, cooler to have in the home and eco-friendly. The features of LED lights can provide many benefits for your family. You can save money, have better quality lighting and it’s healthier for kids since they’re not made of hazardous products that can be found in other forms of lighting.

Backup Generators

A backup generator can save you money and peace of mind in the event of long-term or temporary power outages. Living in Alabama, it’s common that the power may potentially go out because of storms, hurricanes and other weather-related conditions that are totally out of your control. Backup generators can allow your family to continue to have a normal routine when everyone else is suffering without air conditioning, heat, lights, wifi or any other essentials operated by electric.

Investing in a backup generator can save money that would be spent on hotel costs, disposing of spoiled foods and burst pipes in the event of a major power outage. You’d be able to continue to preserve your groceries in your running refrigerator, prevent issues in plumbing and most importantly keep the safety of your family intact. Many people forget that their home security system is dependent upon their electric running. In the event that it is not properly running due to a power outage, the safety of your family is then compromised due to no security system. Many burglars take advantage of power outages and understand that they have the opportunity to break into homes that they wouldn’t have otherwise. AO electric wants to ensure the comfort and safety of your family no matter the conditions.

Landscape & Accent Lighting

Investing in outdoor lighting is essentially investing in the value of your home. Not only would you be able to sell your home for a higher value if you ever decided to move, but you also increase the curb appeal for visitors and guests. Adding lights in your garden, lawn, driveway, walkway, side of the house or outdoor decks can create a different ambiance that makes your home a great place to entertain guests.

Outdoor lighting can play dual roles by not only being aesthetically pleasing but also provides safety for you and your family. More lighting around your house makes your family feel safer when entering and exiting the house at night. Whether you’re returning home from a night outing or taking out the trash last minute before going to bed, having a well-lit residence can make those tasks a lot safer. Lighting up those dark places around your house can reduce the likelihood of break-ins, robberies or any other mischief that can cause fear for your family. Your home becomes less attractive to anyone with ill-intentions when they know that they are more likely to be seen due to the outdoor lighting.